It's time to sweat the big stuff

The New Joneses are all about spending a little longer thinking about our impact on the planet. And while every little decision does a little good (think turning back for your green bags, or avoiding plastic packaging), we’ve learned that when it comes to living lighter, there’s a whole lot more we could be doing.

It’s the things we think about less often that are often the most important, too. That’s why our focus is shifting from simple everyday decisions to the bigger stuff: retiring our gas and petrol machines with electric ones, and making better decisions about our banks, super funds, and telcos.

Same goes for power companies. And while Momentum sells the same stuff as the others, we’re not built the same way. We’re 100% owned by Australia’s largest renewable generator, Hydro Tasmania – and we’re proud to be The New Joneses’ pick for power partner.

Less keeping up, more keeping cup

Clean energy enthusiasm, from a coal worker

Clean energy enthusiasm, from a coal worker

In the 2022 reboot of their planet-positive road trip, The New Joneses took an (all-electric) drive out to the La Trobe Valley to talk to a coal worker who’s advocating for the renewable revolution.

Tony Wolfe’s been working in the coal industry for over 40 years, and while he understands how important coal has been for us to this point, he reckons “it’s time we moved forward to newer and cleaner technology”. He’s optimistic about what that means for the future for the La Trobe Valley, too – with existing transmission lines and strong industrial history, the area’s well-placed to be a renewable powerhouse.

Tony’s advice to anyone who’s not in a position to change the coal industry from the inside? Switch your bank, super, telco and power company to one that shares your passion for renewables. See the interview with Tony (and all the other road trip stories) below.

The New Joneses 2022 road trip

Looking for a power plan that supports Aussie renewables?